Eline de Jong

Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium


Stijn Oosterlynck (supervisor), Yuri Kazepov (co-supervisor)

Email : eline.dejong@uantwerpen.be

Twitter : @elinedejong

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/eline-de-jong-163650a5/


I am a social anthropologist from the Netherlands with a strong interest in critical perspectives on the ethics and politics of (re)distribution and recognition, specifically in organizational contexts. I hold a BA in Literary and Cultural Analysis from the University of Amsterdam, and an MA in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford. After completing my master, I worked at the Erasmus University Medical Centre where I conducted research on the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 policies in the city of Rotterdam. Before commencing my academic career, I studied and worked in musical theatre for several years.


“Supporting Democracy - Promoting new forms of solidarity” Interview with the Marie Curie Alumni Association: https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/newsletters/30th-mcaa-newsletter/supporting-democracy-promoting-new-forms-solidarity

ES de Jong, F Vargas Lopes, W Jansen, FJ van Lenthe, J Oude Groeniger, MA Beenackers, FJM Mölenberg (2021) “Policies during the COVID-19 crisis and health inequities in Rotterdam.” Academic workplace CEPHIR. Rotterdam: Erasmus MC. See Policies during the COVID-19 crisis and health inequities in Rotterdam