Maarten Loopmans

Faculty of Science
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Maarten Loopmans is a political ecologist and human geographer focusing on the politics of solidarity, collective action and governance. He writes about the relation between urban and rural development and marginalization, with a focus on participation, community building and social movements. More recently, his interest is drawn towards the socio-material infrastructures of solidarity. Through a mix of fundamental and applied research projects, he experiments with innovative qualitative and quantitative research and participation methods, including (photo)graphics and citizen science.

He teaches in the bachelor and master of Geography, the master of civil engineering: Architecture and the master of Sustainable Territorial Development at the KULeuven. He previously taught at the master of Urbanism and Spatial Planning (Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening) at SteR*, VUB-Free University of Brussels.

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Spijkers, F. E., & Loopmans, M. (2020). Meaningful intercultural contact: how different places pave the way for learning to live together in diversity. Social & cultural geography21(8), 1146-1167.

Loopmans, M., Brown, G., & De Craene, V. (2020). Everyday spatialities of intersectional solidarity and activism. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie112(2), 101-106.

Bono, F., & Loopmans, M. (2021). Spatializing solidarity: Agricultural cooperatives as solidarity transformers in Cuba. Rural Sociology86(4), 809-836.

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