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Workshop 1.3. Place and practice-based approach

Gozo, Malta

The Malta workshop explored the geographies of solidarity by discussing the concepts of place, space and mobility. We mobilized a relational sense of space, debating the way space and place are socially and historically constructed while simultaneously structuring social relations. The workshop was preceded by a methodological session on ‘graphic ethnography in place’, but itself also combined theoretical with methodological reflections. 

We started with a collective meet-up with and presentation by network partner Moviment Graffiti, where we discussed the solidarities they have developed during decades of place-based activism. The next day, we split up in 3 different groups of ESRs and supervisors to first discuss 3 different sets of readings on the spatialities of solidarity, to later explore different methodological approaches to address these topics. Finally, in a collective meeting with the whole group, we exchanged experiences and insights gathered in the previous days. 

As the first in person workshop (apart from the start up session in Antwerp), we also dedicated ample time to developing and expanding our own internal solidarities. We organized collective sessions discussing our mutual aims and purposes in the program, but also more informal activities in collaboration with Expeditions vzw, aimed at getting to know each other and ‘thicken’ our internal social network. A ‘walk and talk’ through the fields and over the cliffs of Gozo, as well as a final dinner and guided bus tour on the island definitely helped to establish and strengthen relations between supervisors and ESRs, both within and across national teams.

Organizers: KU Leuven, L-Università ta' Malta, Uppsala University

Non-academic partners: Expeditions, Moviment Graffiti

February 17

Mid-term check

July 5

Workshop 2.1. Participatory research methods, research ethics and research engagement with (vulnerable) communities