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Workshop 2.3. Translation and comparison

Utrecht, the Netherlands


On the first day of the workshop, we started with a lecture on engaged scholarship by Elena Ponzoni, Assistant Professor at the Sociology Department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and director of the Co-creation of Inclusive Knowledges Lab. The second half of the day continued with the first two parallel training sessions on writing and speaking for a broader audience. The writing session focussed on translating your research into more accessible public writing (e.g. column) and was led by Sheila Sitalsing, an economist, journalist, and member of the Netherlands Press Council who has recently been awarded an honorary doctorate by the UvH. The speaking session focussed on media training, led by science journalist and coach Hermen Visser.

During workshop 2.3., Harriet Robijn gave a workshop on visualizing research

On the second day, we continued with the following two sessions on training and visualisation. The training session aimed to provide researchers with the skills needed to translate key research findings and insights, which can be used by practitioners and professionals. This will be led by Jurja Steenmeijer who is a social worker with experiences in ethics. In the visualization session researchers practiced identifying key messages or aspects of their research and translating them into drawings, learning how visual communication can provide opportunities to translate findings but also compare understandings of key concepts and ideas. This session was led by Harriet Robijn, an Illustrator and Visual Facilitator. After the training sessions, we travelled to Amsterdam for a guided canal boat tour of Amsterdam led by Jennifer Tosch from the Black Heritage Tours. The Black Heritage Tour in Amsterdam makes the hidden histories visible of the African Diaspora and colonial history from the 17th century. We travelled throughout the city canals on-board a classic canal boat as we explored the history visible in the national landmarks, architecture, canal houses and in museums.

Organizers: University of Humanistic Studies

This WS will happen in combination withe Annual Progress Meeting

June 17

Progress meeting on drawing analytical and methodological conclusions

August 20

SOLiDi-conference: ‘Solidarity in diversity: place and practice-based approaches’