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Workshop 3.2. Joint reflection on cases: articulating public pedagogies and policy and organizational strategies for solidarity in diversity

Berlin, Germany


The workshop will take place at the DeZIM institute. Day 1 will start with internal consortium meetings. In the afternoon we will embark on a guided tour about the diversity of the district of Kreuzberg to learn more about how Solidarity is enacted by local initiatives in the neighbourhood. Day 2 will start with the plenary session and the introduction by the organizers and supervisors as well as presentations of their work by invited stakeholders. In the afternoon, five group discussions will each be focusing on a selected case. In the evening the Social Dinner takes place at Cafe Grenzenlos. Day 3 will start with the next round of group discussions. In the afternoon plenary discussions will bring the results from group work together. Stakeholders will be invited to share their ‘take aways’ with the ESR and the supervisors. 


In this workshop we will:

  • Provide training as interactive moments of collective learning between ESRs and the network of supervisors and between academics and non-academic partners (in both directions).

  • Put empirical scientific data and insights, theoretical perspectives, practitioners’ experiences and expertise and action and intervention-oriented skills into dialogue.


By the end of the workshop the Early Stage Researchers will:

  • Have reflected upon the general framework of SOLIDI.

  • Have reflected on how conceptual frameworks and theoretical concepts are modified in the research.

  • Have identified the cross-case patterns in respect to key issues of the training programme.

  • Have identified barriers and opportunities for policy-making and building solidarities at the local/community level.

  • Have developed an understanding of practitioners’ experiences and expertise and action.

Organizers: DeZIM in collaboration with KU Leuven, UOM

Non-academic partner: Collectief Goed, ABF, Northern View Community Centre, IMS Borgerhout and Buurts Haarlem

December 6

Workshop 3.3. Hybrid institution building

June 10

Call For Papers – Solidarity in diversity: place and practice-based approaches