Jesse Torenbosch

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


Joke Vandenabeele (supervisor), Jonathan Darling (co-supervisor)




My name is Jesse Torenbosch, 24 years old, and my mission is to make a difference in the educational system. I have always been enthusiastic in the field of education, and I’ve studied both English Language and Culture and Pedagogics at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands. After my studies I finished an Educational Master and worked as a teacher. In my work I found that the divide between the academic side of education and the practicalities of everyday teaching was larger than I could have imagined. Academia has often been concerned with fostering the identities of students but often ignores the practical day-to-day insights of the people who actually are on the frontlines of the educational systems. My aim is to collect these insights and make sure that they change education for the better. My research in the SoLiDi project is the first step to bridge this divide.

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