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Annual progress meeting

Newcastle, UK

No later than one year after the start, the yearly progress of the ESRs’ doctoral research and development in training and transferable skills was accessed during the Annual Progress Meeting in Newcastle, UK. The Annual Progress Meeting of the ITN offered an opportunity to take stock of PhD progress and network development within one year after the start of the ESR fellows. The progress meeting enabled a focus on how research is developing, identifying common concerns and challenges, and how the development of training and transferable skills has proceeded. This furthermore provided an opportunity for guidance and feedback to all ESRs on the successful continuation of their PhDs, and the fulfilment of their research and training goals. Following the individual ESR progress reports and annual progress presentations, the meeting also provided an opportunity to evaluate the SOLiDi network wide training events, as well as to update risk management and budget status, and forward planning of the network’s activities and deliverables.

Thank you all for your great work and participation, and big thanks to Prof. Helen Wilson and Prof. Jonathan Darling for helping run this event so smoothy!

Organizers: SOLiDi Project Management Team (UAntwerpen)

July 5

Workshop 2.1. Participatory research methods, research ethics and research engagement with (vulnerable) communities

September 21

Workshop 2.2. Researching in place