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Workshop 3.1. Paradigms for making a difference

Vienna, Austria - Premisses of the University of Vienna (UNIVIE)


Day 1 will start with a short welcome session. Then, there will be two sessions dedicated to the ESR presentations. In the afternoon a guided city tour (“Female Traces”) will place our location for the week into the context of the history of the city of Vienna. The dinner will be spent at a “Heuriger”, a typical local tavern in the vineyards at the outskirts of Vienna.

The first part of Day 2 will be dedicated to the other ESR presentations. In the afternoon there will be the discussion of the ESR presentations by the supervisors, as well as the ESR Board Meeting.

Day 3 starts with the Keynote on Public Pedagogy by Maria Mendel followed by a discussion and then three parallel groups discussing Public Pedagogy. In the afternoon there will be the Keynote on Welfare Bricolage and Institutional Learning by Jenny Phillimore also followed by a discussion and then three parallel groups discussing Institutional Learning. In the evening the Social Dinner takes place at Magdas Lokal, a social business employing people from all over the world with an asylum-seeking background, also providing training.

Day 4 will start with a presentation by the non-academic partner Vienna Human Rights Office. Afterwards, there will be a discussion on the handbook as well as the Supervisory Board meeting. The workshop will end with a planning and debriefing meeting.


• Provide training as interactive moments of collective learning between ESRs and the network of supervisors, and between academics and non-academic partners (in both directions).
• Put empirical scientific data and insights, theoretical perspectives, practitioners’ experiences and expertise, and action and intervention-oriented skills into dialogue.
• Start developing the shared research problem and analytical framework that guides all individual ESR projects


By the end of the workshop the Early Stage Researchers will be able to:
• Have developed an understanding on how to put empirical scientific data and insights, theoretical perspectives, practitioners’ experiences and expertise and action and intervention-oriented skills, into dialogue.
• Reflect on the shared research problem and analytical framework of the ESR research projects
• Evaluate the progress of their project both theoretically as well as empirically.

Organizers: UNIVIE (University of Vienna) in collaboration with NUIM (Maynooth University)

Non-academic partner: the city of Vienna, represented by the Human Rights Office Vienna (Vienna Menschenrechtsbüro), which will present thematically relevant projects to exemplify the role of politics and administration in the making of solidarity and diversity.

Reading List:

 Institutional Learning and Policy Logics: session leader Jenny Phillimore

  •  Phillimore, 2022, “Social Policy and Superdiversity: An Agenda for Addressing Racisms and Inequalities”

  •  Kazepov, forthcoming, "Cities and citizenship. Embedding the urban in the multilevel governance of social policy"

  • Boswell, 2019, "Research, 'Experts', and the Poli􀆟cs of Migra􀆟on"

  • Castles, 2004, "Why migration policies fail"

Public Pedagogy: session leader Maria Mendell

  • Gert Biesta (2012) Becoming public: public pedagogy, citizenship and the public sphere, Social & Cultural Geography, 13:7, 683-697, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2012.723736

  • Sandlin, J.A., O’Malley M.P., Burdick, J., Mapping the Complexity of Public Pedagogy Scholarship: 1894–2010. Review of Educational Research, September 2011, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 338–375, DOI: 10.3102/0034654311413395

  • Nick Schuermans, Maarten P.J. Loopmans & Joke Vandenabeele (2012): Public space, public art and public pedagogy, Social & Cultural Geography, 13:7, 675-682

  • Jennifer A. Sandlin, Jake Burdick & Emma Rich (2017) Problematizing public engagement within public pedagogy research and practice, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38:6, 823-835, DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2016.1196343

September 21

Workshop 2.2. Researching in place

December 6

Workshop 3.3. Hybrid institution building