Solidarity in Diversity

Promoting solidarities across ethnic-cultural boundaries

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovation Training Network (MSCA ITN)

SOLiDi is an innovative training network consisting of 10 Academic Beneficiaries and 23 Partner Organisations in 8 European countries, envisioned to provide a specialised training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in a range of different approaches to generate solidarity in diversity and be able to apply these in different geographical, policy and organisational contexts.

Activities, news & events

Past events


The final event of SOLiDi took place in Antwerp on August 20, 21 and 22.

During this three day event, the focus was on the individual project of our 15 early stage research fellows (ESRs) and their trajectory. However, we also invited societal actors, researchers and artistic contributors to join us in in what was an inspiring exchange. All information about this event and presentations can be found here.

Thank you to all people and organizations who joined us during SOLiDi for their continuous work and engagement.

External events

**ESR’s Lee Eisold, Eline de Jong and Bridget Shaffrey are organising a panel on “Solidarities (un)settled: unpacking the affective dimensions of solidary relations and practices” @ ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists) conference in April in London.

**ESR’s Lea Baro, Zinaïda Sluijs, Hannah Sommer and Eline de Jong have submitted a panel proposal to the conference of IMISCOE, July 2023 in Warsaw, IMISCOE is the international migration research network. The panel is titled “Never fully in, never really out? Contesting and legitimizing boundaries of in- and exclusion in the context of migration and asylum”.

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Images credits: SOLiDi has received permission from the authors of the images to use them on its website.